Status: Completed
Follows an aspiring manga artist named Keigo Yamashiro who dreams of making it big. Yamashiro is extremely talented, but what holds him back is his inability to create any villains due to his overtly cheerful personality. Due to this he is currently stuck in the position of being an assistant to a manga writer. One day Yamashiro receives an assignment from his boss to visit a home and sketch the family living there. When Yamashiro arrives at the house he finds all four family members dead, and a mysterious man. Startled by the incident, the unknown man makes his escape and Yamashiro calls the cops. When questioned by police Yamashiro lies and says that he did not see the murderer, he does however use the murderer as a villain for his own manga titled “34”. The manga series becomes a surprise hit and Yamashiro quickly becomes a top star in the manga world. However, murders extremely similar to incidents in the “34” manga begin to happen in real life, and Yamashiro is soon confronted by the mysterious murderer.


Tamaki Takamasa
Ando Akinori
Nagakura Daisuke
Aonuma Kurumi
Takahata Mitsuki
Ishikawa Maki
Oguri Shun
Suda Masaki
Tei Ryushin
Nonaka Takamitsu
Suzuki Shinsuke
Yoshimoto Nahoko
Fujieda Yoshiki
Okabe Takashi
Tanaka Sotaro
Ikeda Yuto
Nakao Akiyoshi
Togashi Makoto
Kojima Hijiri
Uchimura Haruka
Okuda Yohei
Uchino Tomo
Ogi Shigemitsu
Hashizume Jun
Fukase Satoshi
Matsuda Yoji
Mikami Ai
Nakamura Shido
Kureshiro Kumi
Miyazaki Tomu
CHARACTER (2021) Trailer:


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